Julia Bull Hickory Grove Gardens at Philadelphia Floral Guild

Grower Profile: Hickory Grove Gardens

Meet Julia Bull, owner and operator of Hickory Grove Gardens, and one of the original farms to join PFG in 2022.

Hi Julia!  How long have you been growing flowers?
7 years

Where is your farm located?
Phoenixville, PA

Can you give a brief history of how and why you became a flower farmer?
I have a background in landscape design/installation and growing vegetables. My mom (ha!) sent me an article in 2015 about the local flower movement in Philadelphia. I’ve always been passionate about local food and agriculture and had never thought about the importance of local flowers. Growing flowers seemed like a hybrid between vegetables and landscape design – bringing joy and beauty to people while also supporting and growing the local economy.

Julia Bull Hickory Grove Gardens at Philadelphia Floral Guild

What do you find rewarding about what you do?
Knowing that our practices are supporting an ecosystem and providing habitat for so much life! We also know that our flowers will not harm the people who are using/enjoying them.

What’s your favorite crop(s) to grow?
All of them! Each new crop that blooms represents the changing seasons.

What are you doing when you aren’t farming?
Farming, HA!  I love spending time with my two dogs, Ranger and Coyote. When I have time I love going to see live music. In the off season I pick up my old hobby of climbing.

What causes are you passionate about?
I am passionate about the United Farm Workers Movement, which is aiming to create safe working conditions and grant citizenship to folks who are feeding our country.
I’m also passionate about rescuing and saving cattle dogs/dogs in general. I volunteer with the Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association. All dogs deserve a chance!

If you could farm anywhere else in the world, where would it be?
I stuck around southeastern PA because there is a huge farming community, and it seemed like a great place to start a farm. I thought about moving to the Pacific Northwest for a while, so I suppose that’s where I would go!

Do you have any pets?
Two Cattle Dogs – Ranger (12) and Coyote (1)

What’s your favorite beverage?
Baba’s Bucha kombucha


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